Saturday, January 2, 2016

Well the time arrived where Pvt. Buchanan had to return to basic training.  The holidays are over.  I had a dream last night that we were in the airport dropping him off.  He was in his uniform, and I heard a group of old, overweight balding men complain about the soldiers flying out, how they were in uniform.   I of course came unglued and went up to the man mouthing off and informed him that was my son, and he is required to be back in uniform when he arrives at his destination.  His drill Sargent will be picking him up and expects him in uniform.  The man's reply to me was then he should change into uniform at his destination.  Clearly this man has little respect for our service men and women so I educated him.  I was angry, I informed him I came from a strong military family where, my dad, uncles, brother and sisters served.  This is my son, and his life is not worth your life, you ungrateful, well nourished, POS!  You are the reason I struggle with my son serving.  So many ungrateful people in our nation who stomp on our flags, disrespect men and women in uniform and breaking the law has more rights than law abiding citizens.
I woke up immediately after this dream upset and ready to pounce on anyone who gave my son an evil eye as we walked through the airport.  I shared my dream with my family, they could tell I was mad.
We arrived at the airport, decided to get something to eat before he was fast tracked through security.  Waiting at line at the counter, this adorable little boy with chunky little cheeks about the age of two, accompanied by his mom said to my son, "Thank you for protecting me!"  My daughter lost it, which of course made me cry and then poor Chandler.  The mother has a brother proudly serving in the Navy and understands the sacrafice.  It was so sweet, so endearing and honest.  As a mother of this fine young man, it gave me hope in humanity and I am so thankful I had the opposite experience at the airport than my dream.

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