Saturday, January 30, 2016


      It appears that we are getting letters from Zach once a week, which is great, I love to get letters from him.  This week they have been busy qualifying his weapon.  I've seen video's from their Facebook page.  Keep looking for my soldier, but there are so many blondes with shaved heads it is hard to separate him from the rest.  If you are interested in what he has been doing the Facebook page is F Battery, 1-40th Field Artillery.
     In his letter he was telling us the difference in qualifying medals and they are as follows: Marksman of 23-29 (which is the bottom of qualification), Sharp Shooter which is 30-35 and expert which is 36-40.  He says this is out of 40 targets.  Proud to say he is a sharp shooter, he hit 33 out of the 40 targets.  Not bad for someone who has only experienced shooting a weapon during Boy Scout camp.  He gets his gernades next week.
     It was nice to hear how much he misses us.  What every Momma loves to hear.  He wants everyone to continue writing even if he doesn't get a chance to write back.  But I did find out some great information from an former Army Soldier who served in Afghanistan and had his training at Ft. Sill, he agreed that every piece of mail he gets, he has a to do push ups, however, he also said that the size of the envelope (card size) and color, he may have to give more push ups.  I have been sending multi-colored cards.  Uh Oh.   More push ups for him.
    Less then a month and I will be able to see all the hard work he has been doing.  I am anxious as any mother who has been separated from their child, to see him and make sure he is OK.  It's a Mom thing, very proud of him as his Dad is.  I think Chas is living vicariously through him as Chas always wanted to serve, but couldn't do to being Diabetic.  He is very proud of his son.

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