Monday, December 14, 2015

I recieved my 2nd letter from Pt. Buchanan

It was such a joy to come home and find my second letter from Pvt. Buchanan.  He starts out on how he has come to realized that he is the govenments pet, because:
-They take him on walks
-They feed him
-They yell at him when he does things wrong
-They give him dog tags and label his things
-And if he shits on the carpet they make him sleep outside (not really),  just his sense of humor.  Which I might add gets from my side.  Lots and lots of sarcasim.  Proud of my boy.
He continues on the funny things drill sargants say, such as: "Yeah it's cold but you need to go to 7-11, get a big gulp straw and suck that shit up"
We will have to take him to the aquatic park so he can sit in a hot tub.  He says he needs one because he has worked places deeper than muscles.  He is having fun though and says he is having great experiences.  I was shocked that he says how easy and fun basic is, if you have a positive attitude towards it.  And he refers to the military as being normal for him and used to the stress levels in the environment.  I always told my kids I would help them with future therapy sessions, but damn, didn't realize that I acted worse than a drill sargant.
He is loving the people he is meeting and has a strange feeling that he has meet them before, but knows it is impossible,   I was surprised to learn that there are a lot of Non-American Citizens who joined the army to get citizenship, which he was impressed with.
He says basic is way to easy as long as you listen carefully to what they are saying execute it.  He looks at the drill sargants as teachers, using a different style so they won't forget.
He will be going through the gas chamber soon, they just recieved their gas masks and he is excited.  I would be dreading life and...ugh not looking forward to the burning and watery eyes...must be a guy thing.
The name of his unit is "The Punishers", his unit is the best in the nation for basic and supposedly the hardest.  He also gave me the correct address, but I got that from the letter they sent regarding graduation.  He did get letters from people.  I personally want to thank those who have written to him thus far, it means the world to this Momma who misses her son, I deeply appreciate the care and love you provide.
Pvt. Buchanan will be home on Friday for a couple of weeks. I cannot wait to see my boy.  Seems like forever and it hasn't even been a month.

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