Saturday, December 5, 2015

Finally got a letter

Yeah, I finally got a letter from Pvt. Buchanan.  At this time he was still in reception.   He said he cried when they made him throw away his $70 bottle of Cologne.  They aren't allowed to do any exercises because they don't want them to get injured before basic.   He says he is just sitting around getting fat.  If anyone of you know Zach,  you will enjoy the fact he is not impressed with everyone trying to show their leadership skills by bossing others around.  He said they are undisciplined.

He says that as long as you don't mess up,  you will get along with the drill Sargent.  He also learned not to 'knife hand' ("pointing all flanges facing forward" his words not mine) at a drill Sargent.   A mistake he says he won't make again.

In the meantime we went hunting for our Christmas tree and brought flat Zachary with us.   He even found his own Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.

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