Saturday, May 21, 2016

San Antonio, Texas

     It has been quit awhile since I have last written about Pvt. Zach Buchanan.  Now that he is in AIT I can talk to him almost daily.  I think I have written a handful of times and sent plenty of packages now that he can receive them.  I guess there is no fun in it if he doesn't have to do extra push-ups.  He made it to Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas.  Pvt. Zach Buchanan has finished his classes and will be in two weeks of field training.  He won't have his phone with him until he graduates.  During the time he has been in Ft. Sam Houston, he was called to the hospital and informed when he got there that they were going to pull his wisdom teeth.  They weren't bothering him, but he was informed that he couldn't be deployed if he had his wisdom teeth.  So they pulled both of them and he was a little high all weekend on Percocet.  He pulled high scores in class, he was 2 points off from making the Dean's list, so he was a little disappointed there.  I am very proud of him, it is hard to do 6 mos ~ 1 year of medical training in less than 16 weeks.  The Army is more disciplined with their soldiers and for the first three weeks they were confined to their barracks, while the Navy and Air Force solders were free to move around base.  It was killing him because there was a Taco Bell just across the street.  He has had some Liberty weekends since then and he saw Cpt. America twice.
     He was thrilled to think if someone needs a trach that they were going to be able to put their mad skills to the test.  Unfortunately for him, no one has needed one.  Whew, not that I don't trust my son's  skills, just thankful no one was in dire need of recieving one.  I am excited to hear about his two week training in the field and what new experiences he is having.  I am proud of him and his fellow battle buddies, who have a desire to serve this Nation in this era.  He has had a strong urge to serve his country since he met up with the recruiters in High School.  Such a fine young man, with loyalty to his country.  God Bless the USA!

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